Leonid Sobinov: A Great Russian Tenor And A Golden Career

Sobinov was a very wise young man
who understood the importance of guarding his vocal gifts carefully, and he was
careful to expand his operatic repertoire with care. To that end, he traveled to Italy as a young
man, to learn, and hopefully to perform.
He did both, and even sang at La Scala in the early 1900's, expanding his repertoire to include such standards as
Marta, Werther, Mignon, and Romeo et Juliette.
He went on, with La Scala now in his background, to attract very
favorable attention in London, Paris and Madrid.
To make a fairly long story
short, Sobinov went on to have a
brilliant career, everywhere loved, everywhere respected. He was handsome, a real ladies' man, and had
a storied romantic life. (Of course....everything seemed to go well for him!) After
the 1917 revolution, he became director of the Bolshoi theater. In 1923, he was named People's Artist of The
Soviet Union. He died, peacefully, in 1934.
If ever there were a charmed life, it
seems that Sobinov had it. I'm sure
there were problems along the way—no life is perfect—but they seem remarkably
few and far between. What a lucky fellow
he seems to have been! It reminds me
somewhat of the modern life of star prima ballerina Diana Vishneva. Prodigiously talented, and stunningly
beautiful from childhood, now People's Artist of Russia, she has known only
success since winning the Prix de Lausanne in 1994 at 17 years of age. Some
people are just born under lucky stars!
So, what did our golden boy sound
like? Need you ask? Naturally, he was very good. His voice was classically lyric, and that is
the simplest definition I can think of.
As was the custom in his time, opera singers sang a very wide
repertoire. This does not happen often
today (unless one is Jonas Kaufmann), when specialization seems to be the
norm. Sobinov sang Wagner as well as bel
canto comic operas such as don Pasquale.
It was very much simpler then.
Singers sang. Tenors sang high,
Basses sang low. Baritones sang in the
middle. That pretty much covered
it. Here is an absolutely lovely version
of "Mein Lieber Schwann," from 1910:
A classic and very beautiful
rendition of this aria; one that is actual sung as opposed to declaimed. Like
his friend and fellow People's Artist Antonina Nezhdanova, Sobinov always sang
Wagner as though it were Bellini, and it worked very well. I am convinced it would also work very well
today if conductors, managers and stage directors would let it. It was this
kind of lyric singing that most characterized Sobinov's art, even though he
sang roles which today are sung by more heroic voices. Also, his technique was slightly different
than common singing technique today. His
support was rather less, with the result that in the upper register one often
hears a kind of "rip" or a "tearing" sound at the end of a
note, when he releases it. This is often accompanied by a slight gasp, as though the breath has run out. This means it
is only slightly supported. However,
that was characteristic of the time, and it did not effect the essential beauty
of the singing. Here is the very popular
"Je crois entendre encore," from 1911:
Again, very beautiful singing, but
without the customary high note at the end.
The extreme top was not Sobinov's particular forte, it was rather the
quality of the voice and the artistry of the style that command attention. Finally, here is Werther's aria "Pourquoi me reveiller":
One of my most faithful readers, Mr. J.D. Hobbes, wrote a comment when I published this blog, several hours ago, and noted that Sobinov's rather obvious holding on to high notes, until there is a gasp and slight "rip" in the voice, may have had something to do with the demands of acoustic recording, and the need to keep the sound volume high to the very end. It occured to me to check an electric recording of him as an older man, to test this idea. I was able to find an old sound film, whose voice recording was obviously electric. Here it is....it is revealing. Just listen to Sobinov as he sings at the very biginning of the video:
I find that most interesting! All the delicate nuance and musical line is intact! I think we have discovererd something here. It may well be the case that his breathing and lack of diminuendo on the old acoustic recordings were simply an act of necessity. Thank you Mr. Hobbes, for that fascinating suggestion!
Summing up, it seems fair to classify Sobinov's voice as straight-line lyric, an instrument of great beauty, well enough produced for the time, albeit a bit short on top compared to the Italian model. It is a remarkably consistent voice, strong and commanding. For me, at least, the outstanding aspect of Sobinov's singing is the intellectual and stylistic artistry that is always present. There is something hypnotic about his singing that is most attractive, and was, in his day, greatly praised. A golden life, a beautiful voice, and one of the greatest careers in opera!